Inspirational Quote
Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. - Pope John XXIII
About Me
My name is Sergio Santiago and I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree at the University of North Texas, with a strong enthusiasm for exploring the vast opportunities in Cybersecurity, particularly in cloud security. In my role as Webmaster for SHPE, I use my platform to highlight the advantages of computer science and related disciplines, while collaborating with and learning from inspiring individuals. I am dedicated to empowering Hispanics in STEM, and aim to make a positive impact on the world through education, kindness, and curiosity.
Hometown: Carrollton, TX
First Generation Student
Technical Skills & Expertise
Programming - Python
Software - VSCode, Github
Current Career Interests
Reverse Engineering, Encryption Techniques, Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Future Goals
Secure an internship for the Summer of 2025
Attend a hackathon and complete two projects with SHPEHackerz
Grow SHPEHACKERZ through reaching out to members and creating helpful workshops to develop skills