Katie Rodriguez

Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering Technology

Email: Katierodriguez4@my.unt.edu

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Katie Rodriguez Headshot Photo


Dreams only work if you do

SHPE Position

SHPE Junior Director

About Me

I'm from El Paso, TX, and moved to Denton to pursue my education in Mechanical Engineering at UNT. I’ve always dreamed of more—of exploring opportunities beyond my hometown. I have a passion for mentoring and have actively worked with students to help them achieve higher education. Being involved with SHPE and SHPE Jr. has been incredibly meaningful to me; the organization has provided a welcoming space where I can relate and feel at home. Coming from a different city, adjusting was challenging at first, but over time, I’ve embraced this new journey


  • Hometown - El Paso, Tx
  • First-Generation Student
  • Bilingual (Spanish & English)
  • Licensed Nail Technician
  • Experience with SOLIDWORKS for mechanical design and modeling


  • Programming, MATLAB, LabView (Intermediate), Python (Intermediate)
  • Software, ImageJ, SolidWorks, Multisim, GraphPrisim, Microsoft Office Suite

Current Career Interests

Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering

Future Goals

  • Secure an intership before my junior year
  • Attend the National Convention to expand my network and opportunities
  • Develop and grow SHPE JR to support new students